Your IT Architect Career

Your IT Architect Career

It’s been far too long but I’m writing again – you see I’ve been writing a lot since I last wrote and so there are lots of pieces that should be appearing here soon – I’ll just have to figure out where to start. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on the resources available today on IT Architect Careers.  There isn’t much – a handful of books, a…


A New Day for Great IT Architects

A New Day for Great IT Architects

Monday is as good as any to do something new.  For most, above average.  Well – today I figured I’d **make** the time to move this blog to the Architect Boot Camp site.  Here it is – hope you benefit from it and I do have plans (hopes) to post much more regularly. What’s new?  I’ve been really busy getting the fall  Architect Boot Camp Workshop schedule completed, as well…


Quick Wins with Enterprise Architecture Methodology

Quick Wins with Enterprise Architecture Methodology

Happy New Year! It’s nice to be back again and writing about my favorite topic. This spring I’m speaking at the Enterprise Architectures Conference on Quick Wins in Enterprise Architecture so I thought I’d share a bit of the content. Enterprise Architecture as a new program within a company or an organization is difficult to kick off. Often there are so many things that need to get done, that we…


Architecture Governance – Abusing the Buzz Word

Architecture Governance - Abusing the Buzz Word

Well – it’s been far too long since I wrote – but I am committed to writing more. I’ve just been exposed to “governance Overload”. What is it you say? Well – after a weekend in Boston and time with the ultimate of buzz word abusers (this generic professional group shall remain nameless), I’m sick of “get it done”, “dropping the ball”, etc. etc. Instead – I come home to…


What is an IT Architecture Framework

What is an IT Architecture Framework

One of the most ambiguous words in the initial understanding of Information Architecture is that of the Framework. The Framework is a generic categorization method for architecture design artifacts. Any good categorization method achieves these EA goals: 1. Simplify information for understanding and communication 2. Clearly focus on independent components for analytical purposes 3. Provide and maintain a disciplined method of depicting relationships between the domains. A Framework is a…


IT Architecture Workshops – Picasso or Plumber?

IT Architecture Workshops - Picasso or Plumber

I’ve been asked over and over how I became an I.T. Architect. I always hesitate, and say “well…” More often than not, I get into the long stories about my university degrees and my varying path in life and career. The short answer is “I changed careers multiple times within the field of I.T.”. The long answer is experience. The I.T. Architect is a technologist, a leader, a consultant, a…