You’ve heard about it, might have read about it and it’s just about time to be able to access it. It you were at my 2008 Las Vegas presentation entitled “Good to Great – Paving the Road to Excellence for the Enterprise Architect, this is the full length version complete with how to get this knowledge. This is the full body of knowledge and research on which the abbreviated speech at the Chicago Open Group Enterprise Architecture Conference was based.
Thank you so much to all of you who contacted me after both of those speeches and presentations as it inspired me to finally get this down on paper.
It’s Zoom Factor for the Enterprise Architect: How to Focus and Accelerate Your Career.
This book is full of information and the career road-map an Enterprise Architect may take to achieve excellence in their field. It’s full of checklists and shortcuts as well as a full guide to choosing the intelligence you need to acquire to become great.
Stay tuned for information on how to get advanced copies and an audio preview. It will be available on it’s own website, as well as at other bookstores and online bookstores.
It truly was happy architecting!