It’s been far too long but I’m writing again – you see I’ve been writing a lot since I last wrote and so there are lots of pieces that should be appearing here soon – I’ll just have to figure out where to start.
I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on the resources available today on IT Architect Careers. There isn’t much – a handful of books, a few websites and a couple of education offerings. Career development has been a passion of mine for nearly 25 years – not sure why but I am fascinated to get a hold of the career section in the paper and have always been a go-to person when my colleagues and teams in architecture have been trying to decide what they might explore next.
I’ve decided it deserves to be in print and it’s been a work that’s been developing for nearly two years. I finally have a name for this book that’s due from the publisher now April 28th, 2009 and it’s called “Architecting Your Career: Build a Road map for Excellence in IT Architecture”. It’s a partner to my architect career portal and so I’m so excited about it.
Here’s where you come in – I need to know the answer to this burning question as I’m trying to develop some bonus items for my book that will be accessible to those who buy it. You can help by providing the answer to this one question.
Architect Abstract Ask Contest
At the end of the week, my assistant and I will draw the name for one who provide answers and they will win three free months membership on the career portal. Deadline is February 28th, 2009
Happy Architecting!