Enterprise Architect Training – Let the Games Begin!

This week will be special – I get to spend a week with other architects at the DCI Enterprise Architecture Conference. Ok – I’m weird – I love to talk about this stuff, but this is like sending a Gambling Addict to a Casino – oh wait -that’s where I am!

Never mind – I tried those slot machines and any way you slice it – you will lose. Bet the farm on EA and you will win. It’s exciting – I get to talk to some of the smartest people around about the coolest projects, and learn at the same time. Today was just the “opener” – a new CD to peruse, and some sessions to pick from, as well as a vendor presentation.

Now – I might be biased, but no matter how many vendor presentations you attend, you have to agree – there are some gems of info among-st them. Today I listed to Telelogics’s presentation on what they have to offer the Architecture Tools space. Always interesting, as the EA’s that I know are incredibly demanding and always want one more thing that no tool does. This was an interesting approach – buy the pieces you need to fill your gaps, intelligently – like an EA would do it themselves.

Now – don’t get me wrong – I’m not condoning their tools – if you know me – I don’t do that. But I like to see the good or best of breed where credit is due, and it looks like they’ve approached it in another manner. I’ll be interested in visiting the vendor fairs tomorrow to see if I can see at a glance where the rubber meets the road.

If not, I’ll definitely tell you to save your money. If we’re lucky – it’ll make the hopeful list and give us Architects a chance to automate some of our work.

Until tomorrow


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